Career ShiftHER

Where You Can Be

Victoria James

Meet Victoria James, our dedicated Art & Design Consultant, bringing a wealth of expertise in the creative realm to guide aspiring professionals on their creative journey. 

With over a decade of experience in diverse design studios, she has honed her skills in visual storytelling, branding, and multimedia artistry. Having transitioned from a traditional studio to freelance design, Victoria understands the creative industry’s nuances. 

Victoria’s approach is characterized by a blend of practical industry insights, innovative thinking, and a firm commitment to nurturing the unique potential of each client. Her expertise, coupled with a keen understanding of market trends and emerging technologies in the art & design sectr, positions her as an invaluable resource for those seeking to thrive in the ever-evolving world of creative professions

She offers personalized consultations and portfolio guidance, leveraging her practical insights to help artists and designers navigate their career paths. 

Emily Nelson

Emily Nelson, our Government Services Consultant, graduated in Political Science from Harvard University.

Having served as a legislative aide for state representatives, she possesses a comprehensive understanding of public policy, legislative procedures, and government operations. She worked as a lobbyist, using her strategic negotiation and persuasive advocacy to become a known presence and mountain pusher.

She has also been able to transition to an integral role as a Budget Analyst, tasked with scrutinizing fiscal policies, conducting financial analyses, and formulating proposals for government agencies. Emily seeks to help her clients embark onto the realm of government servuces. Her consultancy services are tailored to equip clients comprehensive knowledge, strategic insights, and astute advocacy. 

Sophia Bennett

Our esteemed Hospitality & Tourism Consultant, Sophia Bennett, is here to prepare the next generation of hotel runners. 

With a career that commenced as a Guest Relations Manager at Vanderbilt Hotels, Sophia perfected her skills in providing unparalleled guest experiences. Her adeptness at seamlessly coordinating services, coupled with her understanding of customer preferences, quickly elevated her to the position of Operations Manager of the America branch of Hilton hotels. In this role, she orchestrates a multifaceted operation, ensuring exceptional services across different departments.

At Career ShiftHER, Sophia channels her extensive experience of hospitality operations and revenue management to guide aspiring professionals to venture the hospitality field. Her guest-centric approach is applied to her clients to commit to an ensured success whether stepping into or transitioning their career.